Tuesday, May 5, 2009

chasing a dream

every time that i hear someone talk about a dream that they have i always get a warm feeling inside of me. i am a huge believer in some one that wants to chase a dream. no matter how big or small it may be. and i can always tell when that person wants it the most. there is a look that they have. you know the look of I'm going to do this and you cant stop me. i love people like that. i love to watch a thought become a dream and then made into a reality. that is some thing that is so special.

i remember when i had that look on my face when i knew the life that i wanted to live. not the one that is my career of choice. but the one that was to be how i would live my life. the dream that i had to become the man that i wanted to be. you know the one where i decide that I'm going to do what ever it took to become that person that will make me a better person. i have done a lot in my past that i am not proud of. but the one thing that i love is that am not the same person. i have grown so much the past couple of years and i have become a better person. i love life and what it has to offer me. i have done things and have gone through so much to become who i am. and you know what i wouldn't trade it for the world.

and then there are those who are chasing a dream as we speak. they are the ones that have that look on their face that means that you are not going to stop them. they will succeed. not because you are against them but because they know that they are worth it. they will try hard to become that person they want to be. i just cant wait till they get to the point where they can see themselves not as a dreamer but as some one who had a dream and chased it. they found what it is that makes them happy. then they will be doing what they love and loving what they do. dream big my friends

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