Friday, May 22, 2009

my letter to you

so this is an open letter to someone. i don't know who this person is but its pretty much me opening myself up to you. i know that its kinda weird but like i have said in my other blogs this blog is not for you. i don't do this for your enjoyment. i do this for me. its my letter to the world. not just to you. but this entry is for someone. say what you want about me. call me gay or homo for writing what i do. but truth be told i know that i can totally kick your trash so don't even go there with me.:)

so to who ever you may be this is for you. i think a lot about my future about what kind of goals i want to set for myself. what kind of person that i want to be for you. i get a lot of advice from people who are married and i ask them what i need to be doing to find that person that will be with me for time and eternity. and they always tell me the same thing. its funny when i talk to the ones that are my age they tell me something different. nothing against them but really you've been married for only a couple of years. what do you know. but sometimes they do know a little bit if something. they know how to love. they see that person with eyes no one else can know. eyes that only they have. the love eyes if you want to call it that. i don't know what do i know. the things that i do know is how to be the best me that i can be. the best guy i can only be for you. its funny when people get married they sometimes talk about how when they marry that person you in a way marry the friends the family the job and so forth. well for me its all pretty sweet. i have an amazing family. ones that i love and will never ever ever ever give up for anything. and my friends... well they can get some getting use to. but one thing about them is that when i need them the most they are the first ones that are by my side. but enough about them this is suppose to be for you. so something that i love to do is show that person who ever you may be that ill pretty much do any thing for you. i'll humble myself and show you who i really am. i will love you like there is no tomorrow. something that i have noticed with my friends is that as they go on with the relationships that they are in the tend to see the other person with different eyes every time that they see them the love that they have for that person just grows more and more. i cant wait to have that with you. Ive had it once and know what it feels like but i can only imagine what it will be like with you. i think about how it great its going to be this time and how i cant wait.

so there are still somethings that i know that i need to work on. and i will be doing that until the time comes for us to become what we are destined for. i will work at being strong in every way that i should be. i just hope that you are doing the same for me. so until then i hope read the rest of the post that i will be posting for you. this is only the first of i don't know how many. thats why its not really finished . keep reading this is for you.

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