Friday, April 24, 2009

what to do next.

so tonight was a very interesting night for me. i think with every night i learn more and more about myself. i learn that with friendships i tend to take them in so many different ways. like i keep my close friends really close to me. kinda near and dear to my heart. i enjoy them so much and i find it kinda hard when they have to leave the city. and th
en i have the ones where all i want is for them to find that happiness that they have been missing. its like when you meet someone for the first time and you see so much potential in what they are able to do. you see them for who they are and what they have accomplished on this earth with the time that they have been given. and the more and more that you get to know them the more you stand at awe that they are sitting there with you. all you can do is smile and thank the lord for the friendship that he has brought you. but the ones that my heart does go out to are the ones that find themselves in situations where they are not treated the way that they should be. and you kinda have to sit there and keep quite. even though you know that you can do better.and it breaks your heart knowing that they are hurting. all you want to do is hold them and tell them that it is going to be ok. ughh it sucks when you go out with a girl for the first time and you see all those great qualities about her. and you hear her laugh and see that smile that can light up a room. it makes you think that maybe there is someone out there for everyone. and i hope that one day i find this girl where ever she might be. you kinda have that high for awhile and you keep looking at her wishing that she can't see that fear that is in you. the fear that makes you feel nervous, weak in the knees, you start to say things that you really shouldn't but you know you want to just so that she would smile.its hard to have these types of feelings and not to be able to do anything about it. i have people ask what to do in these types of situations and all i can say is that there is nothing that you can really do. you pretty much have to wait for the girl to make up her mind. just make sure that you give her any type of ultimatums. i hear that some girls don't like that.:) but at the same time just make sure that no matter what. the one thing that you truly want for her at the end of the day is that she knows that you have her support in what ever she does. and that as her friend you will always be there for her. no matter what. i just hope that she reads this for the sake of you and hers. just find what makes you happy in life. that is what i think we do as a world, you should never deny your heard to happiness.espeically when you are making anothers heart happier then yours. the feeling is great when you make someones day

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