Monday, November 30, 2009

on second thought table for 2

OK so recently i have had a lot of good things happen to me in my life. i have been dealing with the inner demons in my life and taking control of how i live my life. and while i have been silently doing this i have gained much more then i have ever dreamed of. i have gained so much that i don't even know where to start. all i can say is that God has a plan for me. and he puts certain people in my life for reasons that i cant explain. they are there to take care of me when i am sick, they are there to comfort me when i am in need of comfort.

these past couple of months i have been keeping to myself and to a select number of people. mainly my girlfriend and my family. i have started to reevaluate my life and where i am headed. i couldn't do this in the home that i am living in. it is there that i feel the most judged and unwelcome. but you know its ok. for one they don't really know who i am and where i am going with my life. i cant find happiness there. and i know that it is best that i leave them. it is not where i feel at home. nothing is there that can make me happy. well maybe one thing. ok so i have never used any ones name in my blog and i don't think that i should use her name now. but there is one person who frequently visits the house and i know she knows who i am talking about. she is one of the best friends that i have ever had. she truly is someone that i have learned i can trust and that i know i can always call my friend. love you kel. :)

now my life is taking a turn that i know will lead to happiness. i have had the opportunity to find out who i really am. i have taken the time to look at myself and to figure out who i really am. and you know what i see now. i see someone who is ready to take charge of their life again. i am ready to be happy. im ready to take that next big step in my life and become that man i am destined to become. i have everything that i need in my life right now to pursue my dreams. i know that there are going to bumps along the way and i know that it is going to be hard and frustrating at times. but i have a wonderful person behind me who believes in me. i have some great friends great family who has accepted the person that i care for in like there own. life is good. i am happy for once in my life. there isn't much that i have to fear now. now is the time where i make my move towards greatness. now is the time for me to be happy.

so to my friends who are in the world. now is the time for you to be happy. now is the time to find out who you are. dont allow yourself to dig a hole that you cant get out of. dont become that person that everyone hates. be the person that makes a difference in the lives of the ones that you care for. always make it a table for 2. its lonely when you always ask for the table for 1. good eats my friends


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new girlfriend, Jason. Sounds like things are going well with her.
It also sounds like you are going to be moving. Where are you going to go?

chef salas said...

thanks, she really is someone very special to me. i really am one of the luckiest guys in the world to have her in my life. umm i dont know where im going to go as of right now. we'll see what happens

chef salas said...

thanks, she really is someone very special to me. i really am one of the luckiest guys in the world to have her in my life. umm i dont know where im going to go as of right now. we'll see what happens