Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A chef's perspective

So in life sometimes you feel like your born to do things. kinda like heating and air condition. and sometimes in life you think you are born to do certain things. there is a big difference in those two thoughts. one is right. and the other one well. just go back to school and think about this again. 
i have recently talked with different people about what they want to do when they "grow up" and i have realized that most people have no idea what they are doing in life. some tell me that they do what they do cause it pays well. or they have the answer "well my dad does it so why not" haha yeah and if your dad jumped off a bridge would you do that to. geeze!! those are the people that find themselves always searching for that next project. in a way the next big score. 
then you run into the ones that well.... know what they are meant to do in life. they are the ones that you can ask questions to and they can answer honestly. the ones that have the passion to do what ever they know they can do. what ever that may be. those are the ones that i want next to me. those are the ones that know what they want in life. they are the ones that love what they do and do what they love. even if some people talk down to them and make them feel like they are stupid :) its funny when you meet some people and have no idea what kind of impact they have on you. even when they have no idea that they are doing this to you. i take my hat off to them and say well done my friend. I'm very impressed. they are the ones that will make an impact on the art that they do. even if it is as simple as a plate of food. cause that is what we do. we make things that will bring a smile to your face. we do this for the reaction of "wow that looks so good". that is what we do. that is who we are. we live for those moments. and for some they may never understand that you cant learn how to make those moments at some school that you pay way to much for. it is  something that well.... is god given. your either born with it or without it. i my friend am born with it. are you????

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