Monday, October 20, 2008

then there was one

so ive come to the realization that its just going to be me for awhile. i dont know how long it will be. but from the looks of it it may be awhile. but im ok with that you know. ive learned a lot about myseld and kinda the person that i want to bel. im not here to make you happy of to cater to everything that you need. i dont always want to make everyone happy. im sorry but thats the truth. im kinda tired of always trying to make people happy and getting nothing in return. i try my hardest to alway make my friends and the people that i encounter days a little bit better because of what i did for them. but now im at the point where i dont really care anymore. ive reached the what about me stage in life. when is it going to be my turn to get what i want in life. i sit here alone in a room with an empty feeling and thinking to myself there has to be something better then this in life. there has to be more. i want to see what is out there in the world and i want to know what life has for me. but right now i just want those simple little things in life that i used to treasure. but i know i just treasure...... well nothing. i feel like im alone. i look like im alone. i am alone. its just me and it kinda sucks. im sick of people always asking me whats wrong or they ask if im ok. the answer is always going to be yes. i dont like to throw pitty parties for myself. ( and no this is not one) it you think it is your stupid and you dont know what venting is like. thats all this is. i have no one else to talk to so im telling the world whats going on. like marvin gaye said.
i dont know how to be happy. i dont know what makes me happy i just know how i feel. and its not how i want to feel. so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. but i dont expect any thing so its all good. so im going to back and do what ever i can to make your life better and go back to being that best that i can be for everyone else.

1 comment:

Ebenezer Gilgal Harrison said...

i have no suggestions. actually i do. my grandpa was an artist and he used to teach me about art. he told me once that you have to paint how you feel and that if you limit yourself to painting one emotion, your painting gets stale. so, to keep your painting fresh, you have to paint how you feel. so, venting is a healthy thing. my suggestion: vent away and feel real.