Friday, January 1, 2010

ok maybe this wasnt a good idea

ok for the past couple of months i have given up fast food and soda. when i first started this i thought that it was going to be pretty rough. for one i love diet coke. more then i ever thought i would. and i love fast food. i know some of you are thinking well jason you can cook some amazing food why must you eat such horrible food. and the reason is just like everyone else. im lazy and it taste so good. but one day in august i just couldn't take it anymore. i had to have some kind of change in my life. most people give these things up for health reasons. they want to lose weight and get healthier. for me it was a realization of " hey i can make better food then this crap. i can cook whatever i wanted to". there were many advantages to doing this. i did end up losing weight. i did feel healthier. it gave me a sense of accomplishment for doing nothing. i mean i lost around 10lbs. and honestly i did nothing. i maybe worked out a couple of times during the past couple of months. so not having fast food and soda really does make a difference. i learned a lot over these past couple of months. one i love water. there is nothing like have a huge cup of ice cold water. there were times when it was like 30 degrees outside and i would still want a huge cup of ice cold water. it was awesome. i got really used to only drinking water. on few occasions i would have something other then water. and even then it was really weird. but i think my drink of choice was horchata. i know random seeing that i dont really do many "mexican" things. but drinking that made me happy for some weird reason. but still water was my choice of beverage for sometime now. i will admit there were some times where i just couldnt take it any longer and i just wanted some diet coke to make me happy. but i kept my cool and didnt give into the temptation of soda.

so now here we are. a new year. a new start as some would say. i never really understood why people would call it a new start. well cause people remember you. they remember what happened the year before. i think i would consider a "new start" as moving to a place where no one knows who you are . where you can be what ever you want. that is new start. so here i am. its 2010. i dont have any new years resolutions. i just have goals. new years resolutions are things people break when the new year is over. when February hits and you forget all the resolutions you made just weeks before. so here is what i am planning, here are my goals for the new year. a new year for me to continue what i have been doing. i plan on giving up fast food and soda for the whole year. i think that im going to plan on just easing my way off of it totally. it hasnt really brought me happiness. its brought my mainly a bunch of fat that i have to carry around with me. but you know its ok. no one forced me to eat it. although im really going to miss the greatness of wendy's and whatabuger. i also have other goals that im going to accomplish in this year. one that will change my life for the best. i cant wait to see what is going to happen to me this year. i cant wait to start the next chapter in my life. life is good right now. im truly happy. so here is to you my friends. i raise my cup to my friends and to those in the world. let this year be the year that defines who you are and what you stand for. be what you've always wanted to be. chase that dream live it, love it, breath it. dont let anyone tell you that you cant follow your dream. make it happen. please make it happen. i hope all of your dreams and wishes come true to you all. good eats my friends.

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