Now Kurstin wasn't the only person who made our day perfect. Now allow me to paint you a little picture. Malinda is the youngest girl of 9. She has one younger brother. So for the family to have the youngest girl get married there was a lot of things going on. Malinda has always felt that she was picked on by her older siblings. And she was worried that she wouldn't have the wedding that she had always dreamed of. And on her wedding day her family showed there true colors. Malinda is a very lucky girl. When I arrived at the venue where the reception was to take place. I walked into a room that surpassed everything that we had wanted. Her sisters had taken what we wanted and just made it perfect. Her sister Kim and brother in law Robert had worked for hours to make it perfect for us. Her sister Sara made a beautiful wedding cake. It was just perfect. Everything was just perfect.
Ok so now I'm married. Now what? Now what do we do? We have made it to a place that most didn't think we would make it to. Malinda is now my wife and I am her husband. We live a honest life. We're happy and in love. Nothing can change that. If you have been one of my readers for as long as i have been blogging then you know that i have had my ups and downs. I have been in love before. I have had people taken out of my life for reasons I could have helped. I have seen the world change right in front of me. You have seen my world change in front of you. I have this blog so that i can talk to the world. So that i can talk to you. I don't know if I will continue this blog. Seeing that most of this blog (my letter to the world) is full of heartache and trials that I have been through. I have always said that my life is like a Blue October album. I have cried in front of you. Laughed with you. And made my peace with you. So to the world I leave you with this. Dream your favorite dream. Laugh like its the last time that you will ever see your friend again. And live for the next smile the next whatever you want it to be. Just remember that no matter what happens in life there is always another tomorrow. Thank you for being there for me. I will never forget everything that the world has given me. I will now close this chapter of my life. And start a new one with my wife. Now go and find happiness like i have. You deserve it. We all do.